Marty Payton

Pastor's Blog

Reflections on an incredible Sunday

All I can say is, “What an amazing day at Charity!!!!” Watching people respond to the nudging of the Holy Spirit is such an emotional experience for me. So, here are a few things that God encouraged me with today.

  1. It was great to see the baptismal waters stirred for the 3rd week In a row and we have 4 more to baptize next week. Seeing lives changed never gets old.
  2. Tate’s message was so challenging and I was overwhelmed with thankfulness for the staff that God has assembled at Charity. They are all so committed to a life of outstanding character and integrity both publicly and privately. That is refreshing.
  3. The night of worship was the absolute best time with our church family and friends. Experiencing that level of intimate worship with the church family you love so much is such a special experience that cannot be explained. I can only imagine what heaven will be like. I can’t wait.
  4. The generosity of God’s people is humbling. We had a goal of $2,000. This is enough money to provide a set of kitchen appliances for a poor area of Nicaragua where kids only eat 3 or 4 times a week on average. The offering tonight was over $2,800. God bless those who gave sacrificially.
  5. Finally, I believe our church is blessed with some incredible talent. The opening acoustic set blew me away and it set the tone for a spirit filled night of worship. Seeing so many teenagers and young adults overflowing with worship showed me that the next generation has an amazing heart for worship. I’m confident that as we fan the flame of worship in their hearts they will continue to be engaged in the worship experience and ministry of the church.

I am so ready for next week. So, grab a friend this week and tell them they are coming with you to the best place to worship on this side of heaven and I’ll see you at Charity.

A living sacrifice,

Pastor Marty


  1. David M. Barlow

    May 31, 2015 at 10:11 pm

    A Wonderful Day and Night of Worship. Thanks for all of the Staff and participants in this wonderful day. From the message that Tate shared to the awesome praise and worship tonight. Thank You. Blessings and Light!

    P.S. I Love your Blog

  2. Billie Honeycutt

    June 1, 2015 at 11:33 am

    It was the very best yet……love my Charity family!!!

  3. It was such a great day of worship! I was blessed beyond words. I just wanted it to go on and on. Didn’t want to leave.. I’m with you Marty, the opening acoustic set was an amazing start. It was all great!!!!! Love my church!!!!!

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