Marty Payton

Pastor's Blog

Category: Sports

Deflated Footballs


So the evidence is lending itself to the belief that the New England Patriots have apparently cheated…again. We may never know for sure who deflated the footballs or if coach Belichick knew anything about it but Tom Brady had to know something was different about the footballs.

All this definitely “deflates” my view of the Patriots.

Kind of reminds me of Proverbs 22:1, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches…” Whether or not you are a Patriots fan is irrelevant. This taints their name and they will forever be known, by many, as the team that cheated their way to the top.

Our reputation is at stake with every decision we make. Just as the Proverb states, “A good name is to be chosen.” Reputations don’t just happen they are chosen everyday by the decisions we make.

Let’s face it, we’ve all made decisions that stuck with us for a while and all we can do is make sure the next decision we make, and every other decision to follow, lends itself to a good name for us. We are all one decision away from destroying our name and reputation and we are a series of good decisions away from rebuilding any bad reputation we have. It is a choice we make everyday. Choose wisely.

Go Seahawks!

Pastor Marty

How ‘Bout Them Cowboys!

In the spirit of full disclosure I am a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan!

With that being said, whether you like them or not, they have defied most expectations people had for them coming into this season. I didn’t hear one person say that the Cowboys would have a winning season much less make the playoffs. Even the man who writes the checks (whom I am not a big fan of but he’s the billionaire and he can do what he wants with his team) didn’t think the team could win over 5 or 6 games at best.

However, the Cowboys went undefeated on the road and ended the season with a 12-4 record. And yesterday they did something that has the internet and social media buzzing. (I’m not sure which is more enjoyable for me, watching the Cowboys win or the haters hate and blame the refs for the Cowboys win). They won their first playoff game since 2009 and that makes me happy. They may go to Green Bay next week and get demolished by Aaron Rogers and the Packers offense but they have already beat the odds and driven their haters crazy with all the wins they had this season. Someone convinced them that they could win and do what seemed impossible…and they have.

Satan would love to convince us that we can’t come out victorious on the other side of the seasons of life but here are few lessons that we can learn from the Cowboys, whether you like them or not.

1. Don’t let last year’s failures keep you from believing that you can have victory this year. Instead, believe in the one who lives in you. Paul wrote to the church of Philippi, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) Success for the Christian does not come from believing in ourselves but in trusting Christ who lives in us.

2. Finish the Fight! The Cowboys have latched onto that phrase and have let it motivate them to win. You may face trials that are more than you can handle and you may face defeat that will put you on your knees. But God is greater than any opponent we face and He will bring us to victory. We have to Finish the Fight just as Paul wrote to Timothy, “I have fought the good fight of faith, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

3. Play as a team. The Dallas defense does not have a great player on it but they have won because they worked together as a team. You and I are on a team (1 Corinthians 12:27). Our team is the church and collectively we are better, stronger, and wiser than we are individually.

4. Finally, face each day with the end in mind. All players will tell you they practice and work to beat the next opponent but they all have the end in mind. We face today’s trials the same way. The difference for us is that we already have the victory (1 Corinthians 15:57).

How ’bout them Cowboys!

Pastor Marty

P.S. Heres a good Finish the Fight Video for you to enjoy or not!

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