Marty Payton

Pastor's Blog

Month: April 2015

Blood is thicker….

What an incredibly crazy week it has been.

The important things of life come into focus when you stand in the emergency room and look into the eyes of someone you love dearly and see a look of fear that you’ve never seen in them before; or when you see an elderly man smile through his tears as he sits in ICU recovering from an open heart surgery he probably didn’t think he would make it through; or when you pray with someone who is having cancer removed and they have no idea what the prognosis will be when they wake up in recovery; or when you watch one of your closest friends walk through uncertain waters as he and his wife face a constant barrage of disappointing news but yet remain faithful; or when you are hundreds of miles from family as they navigate very uncertain times and you’re not there to put your arm around them so they can physically feel your love and presence.

Through all of this and more, God has certainly reminded me of a lot of things. He reminded me that throughout the week we have the opportunity and obligation to show the love of Christ to hurting people.

This week I read Romans 12:10, “Love one another with brotherly affection…” As I read that verse I was reminded that Paul was writing to the Christians who were scattered all over Rome and were facing some uncertain days. In the midst of trials, they needed to unite in brotherly love. The old saying, “blood is thicker than water,” came to mind as I was thinking about what brotherly love felt like. I decided to research the old saying and I found that it has changed meanings over the years. Originally it meant, “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” Some interpreted it to mean that the loyalty of someone you have fought with in battle is more binding than someone with whom you shared the same womb.

In terms of our Christian relationships, this certainly holds true because of the bond we have through the blood of Jesus. We feel this strong connection when we lock arms in battle or when we display the love of Christ toward someone who is hurting.

I’m so thankful for my biological family who has stuck together through some of the most difficult trials that a family will ever face. I’m equally thankful for a church family who wraps their arms around one another during the most trying times of life. The blood of Jesus is thicker than water and his blood is what binds a church family together. As we do battle against an enemy who is not flesh and blood, remember that he wants to destroy everything loving and good about a church family by making unimportant things our focus so we have less energy and desire to love the way Christ loves.

“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins..” 1 Peter 4:8

Pastor Marty

Watch Out!!!

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

This is as true today as it was when Peter wrote these words nearly 2,000 years ago. Satan has a desire to destroy you and me by any means possible.

We can guard ourselves against Satan’s destruction by following Peter’s directions for our lives.

  1. Be sober-minded. It is imperative that we guard our minds against stinking-thinking. You ever notice how little it takes to discourage us. If Satan can plant one little negative thought in our minds then we usually dwell on it until we are just the opposite of sober-minded. We become inebriated with negativity and we begin stumbling toward destructive thinking and destructive behavior usually follows. It doesn’t take a lot for us to get discouraged and when we are it is usually because we allow ourselves to think unhealthy thoughts. We will dwell on the negativity and fail to look at the blessings that God has given us.
  2. Be watchful. If you’ve ever walked through an area where you did not feel safe then you know precisely what Peter meant by this statement. You listen for anything that might bring you harm and you watch for anything that might look suspicious or harmful. Satan is lurking and he’s prowling and if we are not able to identify things and people around us who are destructive we are prone to his tracks.
  3. Don’t be that guy or girl who is devoured and don’t let those you love be that guy or girl who is devoured. Heards of animals watch out for one another against the prowling lions. As we are being watchful then we are also looking out for others who might be vulnerable to attack.

Satan is happy when Christians are defeated. No matter what you are facing don’t let him have the victory in your life.

“Stand strong in the lord and in the power of his might.”

Pastor Marty

Islamophobia vs Muslimophobia

On September 11, 2001 America was attacked in a horrific way. The vast majority of our great country immediately responded in unity and with a resolve to eliminate those who would attack us in such an evil and cold-hearted manner. At the time, our President, George W. Bush, stood on the heap of rubble from the World Trade Center with a bullhorn in his hand and no teleprompter to be found and said,  “I can hear you! I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people — and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!” Those words inspired Americans to lock arms against those who attacked us. Many of us in this nation got on our knees, not before the Allah of Muhammad and Islam, but before the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We begged God to bring comfort and peace to our nation and justice to those who attacked us. A clear line was drawn between good and evil and we stood firm.

But as time went on something else began to unfold and infiltrate the speeches of those in power. Driven by the fear of sounding Islamophobic many of the leaders in America began to embrace the religion of Islam. Speech after speech was made to reassure the Muslim world that they were not the enemy of America and that they were welcome to come and practice their religion freely and openly without fear of attack or persecution.

Now we are several years removed from the tragedy of 9/11 and we are still dealing with the effects of radical Islam around the globe. I’m not an expert in world religions or world politics but I’m currently unaware of any country in which Islam is embraced where they have not tried to take over and make Islam the only acceptable religion.

Today we have a president who seems more bent toward insulting Christians than he is about standing up to radical Islam. He will not call them out, but he has taken several opportunities to call us out as Christians. I guess if I was convinced he was one of us I might accept his criticism more easily but I’m not convinced, and his apparant disdain for Christians irritates me.

Here’s my conclusion. The love and acceptance that has made this nation so great may also cause the demise of many of our freedoms. As in most cases, our greatest strength can also become our greatest weakness. Love and acceptance must find it’s limits according to biblical guidelines. We must distinguish between the Muslim, who needs Jesus, and the religion of Islam, which needs to be destroyed. We should always try to reach the Muslim with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the love of Christ but reject the religion of Islam. We cannot allow Islamic teaching to infiltrate our political system nor our individual worldview. The religion as a whole teaches and practices things that are contrary to Christianity and to the freedoms we have in America. So, if we continue to allow Islam to gain more ground in America we will soon find ourselves having to submit to the demands of Islam or suffer persecution for it.

We must distinguish between Islamophobia, which is the fear and hatred of Islam, and Muslimophobia (my made-up word), which is the fear of and hatred of Muslims. We should hate the religion of Islam but not the Muslim.

Paul wrote it best in Ephesians 6, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” The task before us is to eliminate the religion of Islam by changing the heart of its followers one Muslim at a time.

Pastor Marty

Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs…

Every year around this time my newsfeed becomes filled with articles and opinions about Christians allowing their kids to hunt Easter eggs. Most of those articles, on both sides of the debate, have valid points and probably are written with good intentions. So as I chime in on the controversy realize that my intention is to inform you of where I stand and not necessarily convince you to believe one way or the other.

There is little doubt that the origination of the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs was pagan. The Goddess Eostre was the goddess of fertility and she was depicted as a bunny due to the rapid reproductive rate of rabbits. Eggs were an ancient symbol of fertility and eventually these two were combined to create the legend of an Easter bunny. That’s a quick summary. If you want to watch a short video that gives more information then click here.

Obviously there are heated debates on both sides of this issue but Romans 14 gives me insight on how I should handle controversial subjects where Scripture is not 100% clear on the matter.

  1. Don’t argue over it. Romans 14:1
  2. If I’m offended by Easter eggs and the Easter bunny, I might be weaker in my faith than I think. After all, Paul said to avoid meat offered to idols for the sake of the weaker brother, not because there was anything wrong with the meat. Romans 14:2
  3. Do not let this issue cause division. Romans 14:3-4
  4. Those who celebrate differently than me aren’t necessarily less spiritual than me. They are just not convicted the same way I am. Romans 14:5-9
  5. I am responsible for my response to my convictions, not someone else’s response to my convictions. Romans 14:10-12
  6. If I have a friend or family member who still struggles with the worship of Estore I probably should avoid eating rabbits. Romans 14:13-23

As Christians, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every day. We gather as a church family to celebrate corporately on Sundays since Jesus arose on the first day of the week. Some, however, only show up to church once a year and Easter Sunday is that day. We will be having an Easter egg hunt at our church because I believe it is a tradition that is harmless. My kids were raised hunting Easter eggs and I assure you that they know far more about Jesus and His resurrection than they do about Estore, the goddess of fertility.

So how should Christians respond to Easter egg hunts and Easter Bunnies? My answer is, “Respond in the way you feel convicted to respond.” I’m not going to judge your conviction and please, don’t judge mine.

He is Risen!

Pastor Marty

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